Sierra Madre's Name
Sierra Madre is a mountain range that stretches from Arizona to Honduras, joining two dynamic cultures and providing incredible adventures to all who dare to enjoy her! We believe this symbol of adventure and culture well represents our company.
The Team
We're a crew of rogue gear junkies that have set out to change the world!
We're addicted to experiencing the wild, without sacrificing comfort or protection. We don't just sell gear, we create it, we use it and we tweak it till it's perfect! We are consumed with innovation and pushing the limits of what is possible.
The Story
After spending months traveling the world, our founder Richard Rhett was confronted with two profound problems, the gear he was using didn't cut it and the astounding number of people living in our world without clean drinking water was unacceptable. Richard decided to begin creating gear that would protect campers regardless of bad weather and provide comfortable nights of sleep regardless of location, he would then use these desirable products as a tool to circle back and begin fighting the water crisis one well at a time! So in 2010 Sierra Madre was born and since then we've come a long way - but really, we're just getting started!

CEO/Founder of Sierra Madre
Background: Research Mechanical Engineer / Gear Snob
Passionate about: Spreading the Love of Christ, my family, the outdoors (climbing, hiking, mountaineering, kayaking, biking, overlanding, surfing), photography, and design. "True religion, acceptable to God, is to look after orphans and widows in their times of need and to strive for purity" / "I believe in doing something to change the problem, not talking about it".

Chief of Adventure
Background: Alaska-Yukon Tour Operations/ Public Relations / Communications / Spanish
Passionate about: loving people, adventure, seeing every nook of this amazing planet, climbing rock and ice, and simply living life to the fullest!
“ Truly it may be said that the outside of a mountain is good for the inside of a man. “ said by George Wherry / “ I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in. “ said by George Washington Carver.